Nerve Pain Treatment
Nerve pain is one of the most common complaints we treat with cold laser therapy at Quantum. We treat conditions such as sciatica, pain from shingles, neuropathic pain and impinged nerves anywhere throughout the body. We can perform both mononeuropathy (single nerve) and polyneuropathy (multiple nerves). Nerve pain treatment normally includes painkillers but they often address the symptoms without addressing the causes of nerve pain. On the other hand, cold laser typically targets the root causes of pain, has no side-effects and can be tolerated by nearly all patients.
When we apply laser therapy for nerve pain, the treatment ‘disrupts’ the pain signals travelling along the nerves. Over cumulative treatments low level laser therapy desensitises the affected nerves which typically results in lowering levels of pain. Depending on the body’s response, a sustained reduction in nerve irritability can be achieved over time.