Quantum Pain Management is located in the North West suburb of Castle Hill. Dr. Roberta Chow has been treating patients in the area for more than 30 years and has been focussed on pain management for most of that time. Dr. Chow’s particular area of expertise is low level laser therapy also known as cold laser for which she was awarded a PhD from the University of Sydney. Cold laser is non-invasive, non-drug and has no side effects. It works by addressing the dysfunctioning cells at the site of pain thereby instigating the body’s healing response. The optimal treatment protocol for cold laser is to treat twice a week for two weeks followed by weekly treatment.
Quantum’s proximity to the North West makes it accessible for patients who require pain management. Quantum provides accessible and timely pain management with cold laser versus other pain clinics that have waiting time often in excess of one year. Our clinic is open 4 days a week (except Wednesdays) and we have parking on site. Patients are nearly always able to drive themselves after treatment.
If you are in the North West and would like to learn more about low level laser therapy please don’t hesitate to drop into our clinic to discuss your situation.