Low-Level Laser Therapy (or “Cold Laser”) is the use of laser/LED light to reduce pain and promote tissue healing. It is painless, non-invasive and has no side effects.
Read moreMedical Acupuncture
At Quantum Pain Management we use acupuncture as a standalone and complimentary therapy as required.
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Often overlooked but very important for recovery is understanding the true causes of your pain and the pain syndrome
Read moreProlotherapy
Prolotherapy involves injecting a non-drug solution into the body, generally in the region of tendons or ligaments for the purpose of alleviating musculoskeletal pain.
Read moreMany medications present unpleasant side-effects to patients. Reduce drug intake and utilise our non-drug treatments to instigate healing
Read moreReduce the pain then resume activities. We provide both formal and informal management plans for our patients
Read moreAcupuncture
Quantum Pain Management uses acupuncture as a primary and complimentary therapy to achieve pain relief and reduce inflammation. Click the icon above to learn more.
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